Brewing the future: 2016 provides a room to empowering your business acumen toward technology trend.


Brewing the future: 2016 provides a room to empowering your business acumen toward technology trend.

We’re entering the new year 2016. A few years before I released the year-end edition of the article with the review of several companies in Indonesia with products and services that stand out. This time, I tried to accompany shortly before entering the new year with the article by writing a different angle that online business trends, technology trends that will boom in the coming years along with some concern that relevant to the readiness of resources (skills) following implementation strategy, if indirectly boom in 2016, but as business as usual we better to prepare business strategies and measures below long-term products was a strategic part that could be done in 2016.

Online Business Pillars

In the macro view, online business frame still have not shifted from online business pillars such:

– Sell Services Buy Products (eCommerce),

– Payments & Remittance Solution (remittance),

– Distribution Services, Online Data Management

– Content Management.

Technology Role

The role of technology provide opportunities of business dynamics such as product and market diversification and value creation opportunities followed by a new business model. Technological developments which are warmly welcomed and prospects such as:

– Cloud Computing
– Big Data
– 3D Printing
– Internet of Thing (IOT)
– Biometric
– Energy conversion

Cloud Computing

The role of information technology developments that rapidly supports the diversification of online business, such as the continuation of cloud computing technology that is starting to be used by SMEs and the next start 2016 adaptation utilizing cloud computing technology, will increasingly become a solution at the level of end-user (individual consumers) , With the shift in mind-set of the utilization of cloud technology broadly to the implementation of individual consumers, can give effect to the direction of product development to be efficient. In my mind, if the cloud computing technology has become a part of life of consumers, the development of small devices such as gadgets shape can be more compact (compact), may only lbh rely on the function of input output (I / O), memory RAM / ROM is not too big , internet connection by relying processing (ability) faster and large storage is provided centrally by cloud computing technology. Not only have positive implications for the use of more efficient components, but also gives a new option in the business model utilizing application / software in the form of leasing (membership) without having to put it in the structure of capital expenses (capex).

Big Data

Although the big data implementations have started in previous years, but with the increasing complexity and scalability of consumers, the technological capability of big data showed encouraging progress in collecting, sorting and selecting (grouping and filtering) to reliability in processing and presenting it in a comprehensive system in support operations and rapid decision-making. Intersection between capacity and demand, making the implementation of this technology can be widely adopted. With the large demand, the expected product pricing structures of these technologies become more economical.

Portable 3D-Printer

About 3-dimensional printing, the adoption of 3-D printing device technology will be absorbed more by 2016. If the steam engine became a motor of the industrial revolution to generate a mass product, I illustrate the role of 3D Printing as  driving of the industrial revolution of customisation that can be executed anyone with with tight tied budget not  capital plant such the procurement of machines. In the implementation can be in various purposes, ranging from products in 3D printed, such design cake (cake) in the form of even complex produced without limitation the minimum amount by portable 3D-printer. This is what opens the door customization business development of 3-dimensional printing for limited units till single product . A big jump, after one century heyday of the industrial revolution with limited customisation as well as the amount of product must be produced in bulk in order to achieve efficiency economically.

Technology Convergence

Other technologies are constantly being developed to be implemented on a mass product, it can stand on its own and convergence application in a sophisticated product technologies such as automatic vehicle (e.g. self-driving car as vehicle in factories, warehouses or in areas of extreme / area war fields mine), Internet-of-Things (example sensor systems, measurement and Internet communications in smart cars), big data (collect and process data comprehension and concentrated in smart cars), biometric (e.g. feature biometric retinal / finger print / face recognition as authentication for security functions on the car) as well as energy conversion (such as electric cars).

Information Technology Development

The development of IP technology which is an open platform with  broadband network,supports the implementation of other existing technology trends. I take a simple example, prior to the implementation of broadband technology in the consumer, business development Youtube yet show business prospects. At that time, the business strategy implemented goal was to maintain and increase its customer base. As soon as the infrastructure was ready by implementation of 3G, HSDPA and  4G wireless technology, followed by video streaming  booming, including  business model opportunities due to consumer demand for its services is high.

Direction of Technology Development (Skills Development & Business Strategy)

By understanding where the trend utilization technologies can be used to improve business competitiveness and assist in formulating long-term strategies, including the preparation of its resource capabilities.

Some skills have a bright prospect along with the development of technology and online business in 2016 as below:

– Design (product design, graphic and multimedia)
– Science Marketing (SEO)
– Application Programming
– Online Security

Looking business prospects with technology used, its development will require resources that are not in small numbers. We must carefully mapping the Human Resources requirement and its sustainability. This concern is not only important for the management / business owners, but also for professionals to improve their competence (competitive advantage), especially in the competition that tends to become more open, such starting tomorrow 1 January 2016, the opening of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

Wishing you more blessing and more awesome contribution in this coming year.
Keep The Spirit
Happy New Year 2016

*This article also appeared in bahasa indonesia JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy Portal


About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link

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*JM Zacharias [ JMZacharias Insights Podcast ]: | Business Strategist | Writer | Guest Speaker | Trainer | Consultant | @ Business Strategy, Technology & Productivity | Business Strategist & Founder HidupProduktif.Com JMZacharias.Com | Penulis | Pembicara | Trainer | Konsultan | @ Strategi Bisnis , Teknologi & Produktifitas |

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