The Technology development as business support to leverage business opportunities has been widely discussed in several discussions, forums or international business articles. The infrastructure readiness supports mixed several technology trends ( Artificial Intelligence, AI , Analytics , Internet Of Things and Big Data .) that applied (customized) in solving problems also achieving business goals.
Those trends collaborated to give values of range of product technology start from upstream to downstream (such Input – Processing – OutPut, I/O process). For example, the implementation of technology trends in the car insurance industry, that assisting car insurance companies to monitor and predict some data obtained through car-mounted smart devices (IoT). This data required in the decision-making process for the its evaluation in the future. Let’s break down how these technological trends used in the future (cross-industries), from upstream to downstream.
Internet of Things (IoT)
By Internet of Things (IoT) technology utilising devices even in small shaped, but compact equipped with sensor function (input), processing and sending output as smart device applied in various fields from the side tracking (used in transportation, alarm and sensor commonly used for security purposes in residential, office or vehicle), measuring and statistical data (health, transport), remote machines (communications for control and machine monitoring, and remote access to information that can be used to remote monitoring power grids, gas, households etc., reporting stock of vending machines). As the following video demonstrates the comprehensive solution of IoT technology starting in households, vehicles and offices, public places etc.
Big Data
Big Data collecting and processing various data in large quantities at once, collecting, sorting and selecting (grouping and filtering) to provide robust processing and presenting in comprehensive system supporting operational activity and decision-making quickly. In Big Data system, taking input from tools in the field including from IoT devices, then sorted and selected based on the purpose of data processing. Big Data becoming leading technology in integrating (processing) various data sources.
Implementation of Big Data technology in the insurance industry for example, various data sources that can be integrated such as vehicle data in the database of highway patrol unit (traffic monitoring) , current vehicle condition (monitored and sent via IoT device installed each car), the data of the insurance policy holder in the insurance company database. More complete data needed for precision decision making. Important data parameters supporting assessment for future insurance such reconstructing driving patterns (speed, acceleration, including engine temperature, other high-speed car (distance among others car). This solution can applied in other business e.g. banking industry credit card in analysing transactions and track record transactions, retail business and else. The following video shows implementation Big Data on the retail industry that supporting to increase the level of customer experience (level of customer experience)
Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The next important step after IoT & Big Data applied, analytics. The analytics come along with digitalisation in every aspects, giving benefit in analysing large amounts of data and increasing process’s speed and be autonomous (working without human intervention).
Artificial Intelligence developed to adopt a method of human brain intelligence being able to make predictions for things that are likely to happen. The more new input into the brain and then correlate with previous relevant input, the more intensive the brain works. The more complex things the brain can solve, the more the brain’s ability increases. This also applies to Artificial Intelligence, more over the progress of IoT technology, Big Data, Analytics provides AI data input more advanced and comprehensive. Still relate with example of solutions in the insurance industry, the application of Artificial Intelligence with the input data from IoT, Analytics, Big Data so Artificial Intelligence to predict driving patterns, accident claims patterns, payment transactions in upcoming year.
The development of Artificial Intelligence might raise concern about AI will take the portion of the white collar worker role, refer to the news such quite surprising in early 2017, there are around thirties employees of an insurance company in Japan on layoffs and its role was replaced by Artificial Intelligence financial analyst etc.
In the previous decade the automation (robotic ) function replacing the role of the factory operator , took over the blue collar worker portion in the robot automation factory. About concerns that Artificial Intelligence might also takes over the role of white collar workers (office workers) like analysts, administrative workers etc.(see the previous example above). Better to look in a broader perspective of Artificial Intelligence with its ability to solve complex problems become quite short (time efficient), supported by things or technical data, in this case related to the data required as input, then processed, thinking, predicting patterns, symptoms, trends that can help in giving the future view ( insight ) related to the problems.
But its application, not a hundred percent applied and replace the role of human (human brain). If we look for some tasks that also need nature competency such intuition related to subjects/problem that quite deeply affected by subjectivity such related to the experience and value of different backgrounds (e.g. culture, education etc.) put intuition role more strategic. For example in recruitment process not merely technical only, but recruiter intuition aspect also plays an important role. Intuition become getting sharpened depend on also how experience s/he is . Relativity of every single person uniqueness especially in recruitment process, so the way to proceed so far more dynamic that human intuition still get its place. Below, another example video application of Artificial Intelligence on outlets without cashier (cash register) named Amazon Go.
Other Technologies
Other technologies, some not really new but its implementation continues to grow, adopted, especially in business such as:
– Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing provides new business model option in utilising applications / software in the form of leasing a service (service) without having to include cost components in the capital cost structure (reducing CapEx). Which means no need to have equipment or applications that are physically installed in the office, as long as it can use them in the form of renting cloud computing services within the network [cloud] service providers, by this advance technology support more growing business model Sharing Economy .
– 3D Printing
Especially for this 3D Printing, portable [smaller] 3D-printer technology has been adopting since two years ago, giving fresh air to more absorption 3D Printing on market. If the steam engine became of industrial revolution driven. This 3 D Print technology creating opportunity for anyone even with minor capitalisation (not huge as factory capital such number of machine units). Designed in variety of purposes, as well as in the form of 3D moulding and also support for remote area/remote distance (e.g. applied in space station). Another example, design (cake / doll) in the form of minimal quantity affordable by kind of this portable 3D printer. This promising approach to create more development of this 3D print customisation business no matter in the limited number of units. A great leap after a century of industrial revolution, with customisation minimum limits of quantity and high precision that supports achievement of economic efficiency and also adopted for industrial manufacture. Here’s an example of 3D Printing that is capable of working on human replica prototypes in the form of icon figure
– Augmented Reality
This Augmented Reality technology, a breakthrough technology compared to its predecessor Virtual Reality, which not only produces a 3 dimensional view, but also provides more intigreted visual data. The adoption of this technology can be utilised for visual guide (tourism), visual training including the entertainment industry etc. as we can see in the video below.
– Biometric
Biometric has long been known as the unique identity of human such as retina, finger print, sound, face shape. Its prior use is only for matching the identity of the perpetrator of the crime or the accident victim with the electronic identity of the finger print stored in the database. However, in its implementation can be utilised on face identification (face recognition) among the crowd, as well as the identification of the customer when entering retail store connected to database displaying customer’s shopping preferences as shown in the video below.
– Energy Conversion
Environmental still become central issue in the midst of forest destruction, any destruction activities. Reuse, Reduce and Recycling (3R initiative) toward product material is a long-standing solution and keep and keep becoming main business driven. Business taking responsible roles to keep its business environmentally-friendly (eco friendly) as part of its operating platform,to continue growing and evolving with everything from business lines and delivering environmental conservation even for long run. Reducing the use of non renewable energy also replaced with renewable energy by creating more business model such producing electrical supply solutions by solar, wind, geothermal energy. Manufacturing breakthrough solutions such using its thermal output to be an input (recycle input) for the other process that need heat energy.
However, this approach quite common for solutions in large scale energy (large customer). But now, this renewable energy supply solution targets small-scale customers (households / individuals) with a power grid business model for housing as seen in the video below.
– Electric Vehicle and Driverless Car
In the previous decade robot as an automated tool helping and also ‘replace’ human resources in some production lines manufacturing industry. Then followed an independent machines that serves customers such as ATM, vending machine provides products such as beverage etc., then in the coming years will continue with technology and infrastructure readiness of electric vehicle (electric car, truck even electric motorcycle) and also car without driver. (driverless car). Tesla pioneered the electric car and continues to lead the era of electric cars, where Toyota has previously launched a hybrid car as a bridge into the transportation of energy-based electrical. And one collaboration between one of prominent educational institution in Indonesia (Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, ITS Surabaya) and partner from industry (Garasindo) to launching Garansindo Electric Scooter ITS (GESITS).
Google and several car vendors both Tesla, Mercedes, Honda, Hyundai and even Apple, Uber and Baidu also participate work on cars without driver that continue to be tested and to become future mass vehicle solution. The development of vehicles without drivers quite useful in the operational use of special, dangerous, remote or difficult terrain for human such as airports, in areas of war (full of land mine) for combat vehicles, land mine detector unit purpose and and also mission vehicles on the planet Mars etc. Here is an example of a car test without drivers with an explanation of the work process.
The technological development trends help to seizing businesses opportunities, but don’t forget the urgency to look at two things especially if running on internet platform that are sometimes overlooked by both provider and consumer businesses such as:
First , the development of payment tools and its compatibility factor in business transactions, where many giant platforms developed their own payment platform (Apple Pay, Ali Pay, etc) beside universal payment platform such Paypal, BitCoin that quite widely accepted platform for many entity of ebusiness , ecommerce ecocystem.
Second, another concern in the transaction such security. In this case the growth of personal business transactions lately. This concern relates to the security of transactions through internet platform by using many technology and IT tools that quite need concern relate to its secure transaction. The business support to private (personal) business as new niche market for public figures, politician etc. that use their existing communication more in digital world (personal sites/social media) , which could be a business opportunity such as business consulting and online security services; beside another exisiting corporate business (corporate client).
By understanding the potential technology and precisely to look the potential of this future technology, will supporting business development, even starting a new business unit precisely toward those technology options.
Hopefully it might impact for you also.
*image credit: Naypong,
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
Being a sort of convention, the beginning of September marked as such official event of Apple latest products . Talk about the event and Apple products,it can’t be separated from the figure of Steve Jobs. Both of Apple product innovations and also Jobs communication style that has wowed at every annual event MacWorld. All the movements of Jobs body language or objects used during has meaning as well as strengthening message. Still remember about how Steve Jobs how use a small pocket of his trousers (his blue jeans) to show iPod Nano (describing how small, handy and put even small and tight kantung celana).
“This the new iPod Nano. It’s breathtaking. You wouldn’t believe it, until you hold it in your hands!” Job said (2005).
And also use a large brown envelope while removing MacBook Air to show how thin the product. Not only the product innovation, good communication to convince people. But how Steve Jobs played his role to lead the whole process in good harmony and best delivery in that event.
“This is it! This is the new MacBook Air. And you get a feel how thin it is!” Jobs said. (MacWorld 2008)
After the death of Jobs, as Apple’s latest product announcement event in 2014 been held, my attention was directed to the company under Tim Cook’s leadership.
As Steve Jobs present at MacWorld with suprise, surprise and his mantara One More Thing. The event 2014 didn’t give memorable surprised eventhough relesead with Apple Watch and its feature. Not bad, the special credit at that event the first ever covered a fairly revolutionary at that time, Live Twitter!
While waiting for this big event in September 7th 2016 will be held in couple hours, I attach previous my article related the coverage Apple event (September 2014) and translated in english as below
The event held on Tuesday, September 9th 2014 Pacific Time, I wait for the update big event of Apple product launch via twitter, online media and occasionally through international cable tv network. While the update tweet by tweet including from twit Dick Costolo CEO Twitter informing live tweet. during this event
Around Flint Center Cupertino area since dawn some members of the media (journalist, tv crew ) have been ready. Then proceed with some tweet with photos of the attendees on venue and seats almost full. And this finger ready to hit the refresh button to see the latest update. While waiting, the phone leaned on couch, then looking forward the tv news update.
Phone screen display changes automatically show last tweet with blue dots marked in the top left corner complete with figures showing the number tweet who has not seen yet. Immediately, attention focused on the mobile screen, looks like being there (in Flint Center) keeping attention the presentation of Tim Cook and his team of presenters, and live tweet from one of attendee the BBC journalist Stephen Fry.
By this new breakthrough, anyone from anywhere connected to the internet can watching this event. Also new buzz is definitely a wow effect during the event, strengthen customer engagement and channelling of Apple products customer and else following Apple’s new product information and at the end enlarge possibility to hard-selling.
One year before this event, for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, I wrote article highlighted the iPhone 5C that predicted accessing to the youth segment by offering complete with colorful casing. The important question, whether the effectiveness of strategy to enter low cost market. It’s quite interesting to be observed from that Apple event, comparing what Steve Jobs’s done that always giving some sorts of product or innovation feature with wow effect each MacWorld event. This Apple event last year also has nothing special (no wow moment) so far just innovative approach of iPhone 5C’s casing colors that can be replaced offered by Apple right after Steve Jobs’s death.
Through the communication style definitely different comparing with Steve Jobs’s style, Tim Cook has to do more efforts to make keep the center of attention of tech product innovation still around Apple family products and him as CEO Apple. The challenges become stronger from his rivals such Jeff Bezos with his style stunningly announced Amazon Fire Phone or the ‘Apple of the East’ phone Xiaomi with its CEO Lei Jun’s who indeed an admirer of Steve Jobs and shown in style when presentationing.
Tim Cook and his staff released product not without great surprised [probably because of previous news mainly already covering the trend wearable] but revolutionary step on features and technology to give competitive leaps compared to other competitors.
It supported with Apple products positioning that optimizes flexibility in making a breakthrough with the premium iPhone price ceilings which are not many competitors focus only in this segment.
By putting advanced features, systems with high quality of the application and prime quality material as smartphone attributes leads to high prices included in the premium phone category.
In product features session, Tim Cook moved to the back stage and still exist via live tweet:
Beside product portfolio in smartphone (iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus), Apple also entering new segment being as Internet transaction payment solutions provider with the launch of Apple Pay. Of course, it changing the landscape of online payment networks including Pay Pal transaction which has long been a partner of the Apple Store (iTunes, etc.)..
As we know about Steve Jobs’s communication style in stage,also wrapped with attendees feeling such curiosity. thing and waiting for other surprises, Tim Cook also closed the end of the presentation Apple Pay and iPhone series 6 with interrupted briefly before ending the presentation while saying this Steve Jobs’s mantra One More Thing
Making curious and keep upcoming product secrecy (high level of confidentiality*) as part of Jobs special expertise. That’s why people enthusiastically waiting and looking forward what next Apple product and annual event (MacWorld) and Steve Jobs as central figure. *Read a few stories of him in book: ‘Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired— and Secretive—Company Really Works by Adam Lashinsky
Tim Cook who with strong background in the field of distribution, can managed to tackle problems/challenges and some doubts about the future of Apple after the death of a charismatic figure Steve Jobs. His actions such revitalization in the retail by recruiting former CEO of Burberry and watch designers signifies Apple’s entry in wearble technology that is clearly entry fashion industry. As ‘New Entrant’ on Porter Force where this new player (Apple Watch) challenging watch industries and forcing to get in on the era of the Internet connection (wearble technology).
New Apple products and services breakthrough such Apple’s Apple Watch, Apple Pay (see without ‘i’ in front of the product/brand name) and various size products iPhone and iPad also mark a new era after Jobs passed away, by welcoming a 7-inch tablet [iPad mini 7 inch].
During interesting session (product exposure ), another surprise: U2 on stage!
The Flint Center suddenly full beat-beat of U2 songs marked the release of U2’s new album “Song of Innocence”. As shown in the monitor Apple Live September, the new album is part of a promo Apple (iTunes store) and it claimed to have been downloaded exceeds half a billion consumers.
The U2 performing ended up by Tim Cook join on stage then invited attendees to visit the exhibition to try and feel the Apple products including giving chance for journalist taking some product shoots.
Apple Live Page finally signed off series of events of Apple product and solutions. The Apple Live through Twitter Live also becoming an Apple’s approach breakthrough to leveraging its social media channels, stay connected and maintain relationships with consumers.
*image: Apple Live September 2014
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
We’re entering the new year 2016. A few years before I released the year-end edition of the article with the review of several companies in Indonesia with products and services that stand out. This time, I tried to accompany shortly before entering the new year with the article by writing a different angle that online business trends, technology trends that will boom in the coming years along with some concern that relevant to the readiness of resources (skills) following implementation strategy, if indirectly boom in 2016, but as business as usual we better to prepare business strategies and measures below long-term products was a strategic part that could be done in 2016.
Online Business Pillars
In the macro view, online business frame still have not shifted from online business pillars such:
– Sell Services Buy Products (eCommerce),
– Payments & Remittance Solution (remittance),
– Distribution Services, Online Data Management
– Content Management.
Technology Role
The role of technology provide opportunities of business dynamics such as product and market diversification and value creation opportunities followed by a new business model. Technological developments which are warmly welcomed and prospects such as:
– Cloud Computing
– Big Data
– 3D Printing
– Internet of Thing (IOT)
– Biometric
– Energy conversion
Cloud Computing
The role of information technology developments that rapidly supports the diversification of online business, such as the continuation of cloud computing technology that is starting to be used by SMEs and the next start 2016 adaptation utilizing cloud computing technology, will increasingly become a solution at the level of end-user (individual consumers) , With the shift in mind-set of the utilization of cloud technology broadly to the implementation of individual consumers, can give effect to the direction of product development to be efficient. In my mind, if the cloud computing technology has become a part of life of consumers, the development of small devices such as gadgets shape can be more compact (compact), may only lbh rely on the function of input output (I / O), memory RAM / ROM is not too big , internet connection by relying processing (ability) faster and large storage is provided centrally by cloud computing technology. Not only have positive implications for the use of more efficient components, but also gives a new option in the business model utilizing application / software in the form of leasing (membership) without having to put it in the structure of capital expenses (capex).
Big Data
Although the big data implementations have started in previous years, but with the increasing complexity and scalability of consumers, the technological capability of big data showed encouraging progress in collecting, sorting and selecting (grouping and filtering) to reliability in processing and presenting it in a comprehensive system in support operations and rapid decision-making. Intersection between capacity and demand, making the implementation of this technology can be widely adopted. With the large demand, the expected product pricing structures of these technologies become more economical.
Portable 3D-Printer
About 3-dimensional printing, the adoption of 3-D printing device technology will be absorbed more by 2016. If the steam engine became a motor of the industrial revolution to generate a mass product, I illustrate the role of 3D Printing as driving of the industrial revolution of customisation that can be executed anyone with with tight tied budget not capital plant such the procurement of machines. In the implementation can be in various purposes, ranging from products in 3D printed, such design cake (cake) in the form of even complex produced without limitation the minimum amount by portable 3D-printer. This is what opens the door customization business development of 3-dimensional printing for limited units till single product . A big jump, after one century heyday of the industrial revolution with limited customisation as well as the amount of product must be produced in bulk in order to achieve efficiency economically.
Technology Convergence
Other technologies are constantly being developed to be implemented on a mass product, it can stand on its own and convergence application in a sophisticated product technologies such as automatic vehicle (e.g. self-driving car as vehicle in factories, warehouses or in areas of extreme / area war fields mine), Internet-of-Things (example sensor systems, measurement and Internet communications in smart cars), big data (collect and process data comprehension and concentrated in smart cars), biometric (e.g. feature biometric retinal / finger print / face recognition as authentication for security functions on the car) as well as energy conversion (such as electric cars).
Information Technology Development
The development of IP technology which is an open platform with broadband network,supports the implementation of other existing technology trends. I take a simple example, prior to the implementation of broadband technology in the consumer, business development Youtube yet show business prospects. At that time, the business strategy implemented goal was to maintain and increase its customer base. As soon as the infrastructure was ready by implementation of 3G, HSDPA and 4G wireless technology, followed by video streaming booming, including business model opportunities due to consumer demand for its services is high.
Direction of Technology Development (Skills Development & Business Strategy)
By understanding where the trend utilization technologies can be used to improve business competitiveness and assist in formulating long-term strategies, including the preparation of its resource capabilities.
Some skills have a bright prospect along with the development of technology and online business in 2016 as below:
– Design (product design, graphic and multimedia)
– Science Marketing (SEO)
– Application Programming
– Online Security
Looking business prospects with technology used, its development will require resources that are not in small numbers. We must carefully mapping the Human Resources requirement and its sustainability. This concern is not only important for the management / business owners, but also for professionals to improve their competence (competitive advantage), especially in the competition that tends to become more open, such starting tomorrow 1 January 2016, the opening of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
Wishing you more blessing and more awesome contribution in this coming year.
Keep The Spirit
Happy New Year 2016
*This article also appeared in bahasa indonesia JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy Portal
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
Can you believe 2015 is almost over ? Yes, it’s almost over in 37 days [counted from Nov 24th]. Be ready for new year …. happy new year with its stuffs again!! Yeah … in 2016. It’s annually celebration through many common ways: sending and receiving greeting card, social media/messaging apps, exchange gifts, visiting colleague/beloved family and others public and community activities [new year eve in hotel, town hall, TV program, traveling, and anything else]. In all those activities, we set the new year resolutions, send best wishes to beloved family and friends for prosperous life in upcoming year.
You and I might be already planned to list some wishes & resolutions, for sure always with hope the upcoming year should be much better. One thing came up in my mind, do we apply the proven successful indicator and control management that manages how the process on track or need to do pivoting before getting the resolution completed. Otherwise those resolutions at the end will be acted as “empty promising resolution ” … words without meaning.
I list that concern with big question mark. The resolution should be adjusted into action plans. The question is how measure the process. It helps us to know exactly how close the progress, outcome to the resolution. Whether need some pivoting or not before the end of 2016.
Once put resolution into action plans, the step needs to be taken such mapping the requirement, resource management, scheduling, progress tracking and etc. In implementation of the planning, sometimes doesn’t goes as planned and on the other hand new momentum raise up that need the room of flexibility to do pivoting. And also breaking down into small target in several project goal per milestone (time frame) and parameters that consist of under control and out control variable (third party involvement for cooperation) could help much to ease the implementation of action plan in order to meet the resolution goal. At the end those parameters would help and guide in process, measurement and evaluation of the resolution completion. Also target per milestone help to manage the effort more reasonable to achieve resolution goal and evaluated at the end of 2016.
Sounds quite complicated. Believe me, it works! But need strong willing, consistency and perseverance. Try it step-by-step even though in small step and target per milestone gradually but sure. It will pay off.
Let’s start the year 2016 with such breakthrough way, new and empowered mindset and attitude also with very challenging things to achieve. Cause we live to have purpose that valued life by moving forward, growing up, accomplish challenge of the resolution successfully and SMART-ly [Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound].
What do you think?
* This article initially appeared on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy Hub with some adjustments.
Image: Clock On Brick Wall
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
Talking about speed and momentum, I remember my first experience while still engaged in the development of mobile products of one prominent of cellphone maker Siemens Mobile. Around July 2003, in Indonesia we’ve been doing some testing of SX1 smartphone (pilot samples). SX 1 was the successor of Siemens Mobile first touchscreen by stylus pen SL45 45 (one of Siemens 45 series among the whole Siemens Mobile products at that time ).
The target release of SX1 in Indonesia was around the beginning of 2004, but there was rescheduled. At the same time, February 2004 competitor Nokia has just released the Nokia 6600 smartphone in Indonesia market that playing in the same class with SX1 and marked its presence as the first smartphone gets outstanding response.
Quite could be predictable, its ripple effect to smartphone market momentum at the time. Of course, N6600 smartphone reap large portion of the smartphone market cake that time, while other vendors have not been formally launched mobile phones in its class.
Then couples month later SX1 smartphone was launched a few months later, with retail price of IDR 4.3 million per unit (around USD 480). Inevitably face the N6600 smartphone had a strong foothold in the market and the customer side (top of mind) at retail price that several times down to 3.6 million per unit (around USD 400). Disparities retail price considerably became a dominant factor in the domestic market that time besides another value proposition such quality of products and other factors.
Learning from that experience mentioned above, the speed factor is indeed a significant factor, but this article just focuses on the momentum factor as an important factor in business. Preparing, processing good products in production line with less time consuming would contributing cost significantly, but it was not enough! The main question : Does the product was launched at the right time? This is where momentum plays an important role.
The speed factor should synergize with momentum. More precisely how to set the pace at the right moment. It’s about how to get right timing. It is not easy nor difficult to determine the right moment through the experience. The sensitivity to the momentum it can be honed.
Momentum is itself plays role as important variable that determine:
– Does the process need to be speeded up?
– Or slowed?
– Or already on track (on time)?
Speed is important, as well as timeliness (momentum) as a strategic factor that must be owned and honed capability from time to time.
*This article originally appeared on in bahasa Indonesia.
*image credit:
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
Have you ever felt remorse after buying or selling a product because the price was too low to sell or buy at a price that quite expensive? In the bid process, the decision rejection for buying and selling product as part of dynamic transaction process. Quite dynamic, because of many factors that affected with its weight respectively. It could be the same product, but done by the other party, at different times and places, wouldn’t give same effect.
The product price remains an important concern for buyers and sellers. Generally the price is used as an indicator of the important decisions in the transaction. Transactional process ideally leads to proportionality price for both (the buyer and seller). Proportional condition relate to the price achieved at the scale is not too high or low and close to the suitability of the value of the product.
The product value is strategic part of its transaction. Direct implication toward price, uniqueness, authenticity, the benefits offered by the seller and also buyer desire. Mapping the price of the product by the value of benefits, quite much common approach in buying and selling process known as value proposition. This approach maps the domain price toward how big the benefits achieved. The aspect of the value of the product was significantly contributes to price’s structure with the following formula:
Price = Cost + Value + Profit
The price elasticity setting depends on how dynamic variable of cost, value and profit set according the following scenario:
– Minimum Profit. Price set to minimum level as long as meet the minimum profit.
– Cost adjustment. The cost reduced by producing optimum number of product that meet the minimum production quota.
– Value Optimization. The value of a product can be set based on knowledge combined within ability and also sensitivity to the value proposition.
The ability to calculate the product value could not be separated on knowledge of the characteristics of the product and its value. The value of the product can be measured up to particular value. The example of product value that measured universally, such gold, fuel, oil, mining and various commodities. These product values are relatively segmented as unique items, antiques, artwork, historical value goods, commodities etc. The variable of the product value represented aspect of benefits, uniqueness, authenticity, momentum, and also deals with supply and demand.
Assessment sensitivity of the product value helps in determining the appropriateness of a product at particular price range. Simple overview of case studies below with examples of variable values are included and also ignored in price calculation.
A fisherman found the plate when fishing around deep sea. Then the plate offered in the flea market at a price as common used plate price. At the same time a scuba diver, also found similar plate in the seabed. Back to home, that plate examined precisely under consultation by the expert. Final conclusion, the plate is as a plate antique treasure of Ming Dynasty’s fleet that sank. Armed with the information about history of that plate, the price offered could be much higher than the selling price of the previous fisherman. Variable knowledge of these values contribute to the difference prices offered between two plates.
Even premium product remains attractive to buy if offering exceptional product value. Resell it at a competitive price is not quite difficult, as long as the privilege value well maintained, especially if you manage to give value added, and become another ‘special product’ and offer to the right target market.
The ability to calculate product value including cost structure, of course, supported the process of learning (learning by doing) from time to time. Armed with the experience and ability to dissect the structure of costs, the value of the product as well as comparison of prices offered by competitors, will assist in the determination of a reasonable and competitive price of the product. Ability exact calculation and realistic for the combination of those above variables, will impact on the price elasticity of product’s ability to compete in an increasingly dynamic market. Of course also be a complements the competitive aspect of you as a business person.
*This article originally appeared on in bahasa Indonesia.
*image credit: renjith
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
Crowsourcing … crowdfunding seem familiar for us as our daily activity close to internet, news, social media and other channel. Quite common event can muster the crowd empowered by internet. Yes, it is the crowd, but still long shoot to be classified as crowdsourcing. Ehm, starting spark some headache? I hope not, just follow me get deeper through the sharing I’ve got in CSW Summit 2015 in Jakarta last week and mixed with some references from internet.
Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding and Crowd Economy.
Epi Ludvik Nekaj, the founder of CrowdSourcing Week asserts crowd sourcing is about participation. Crowd sourcing is more than marketing approach, it changes business model and shift paradigm such from banking to crowdfunding platform and the growth of customization product (co-creation process) supported on crowdsourcing project beside common business model such mass production.
Dennis List, Co-Founder of Rocki also emphasizes crowdfunding more than finance. Crowdfunding campaign need crowd and also good product. He also adds that in crowdsourcing the value proposition is Win Win (‘WE Mentality’, ‘Think WE’).
Crowdsourcing empowering people to participate in particular mission, including participation to raise money (crowdfunding) that the whole process called crowd economy. This crowd economy started for reason to cope the impact of global recession since 2008. At that time, that crisis has spread in every sector affected no job offering, loan program etc. Then raised crowdsourcing platform such increasing freelance job offering (Elance), crowdfunding platform (Lending Club, Kickstarter) etc to fill in that gap.
Crowdsourcing vs Social Network.
Crowdsourcing and social network are about crowd. People sometimes think if having huge number of social media follower means getting the crowd. Does it can classify as crowd sourcing? In term of number, it’s crowd but not guarantee in productivity matter. I put productivity issue here, still relate with what Epi’s thought in his session (you can see from his slideshare also slide # 27) about new social currency crowdsourcing=social productivity. He also put good analogy between srowdsourcing and social media.
– Crowdsourcing spawns innovation
– Social network spawns connection
Epi states crowdsourcing also is about passion and talent, for people who have passion to be part of something innovative.
Crowsourcing and Crowd Role
In Crowdsourcing, its platform muster the crowd participation to support company/seeker as Dr. Michael Gebert called it in his presentation as Conceptual Risk Framework. The crowdsourcing platform can support the mission relate to Crowdfunding, Open Innovation, Social Productivity, Sharing Economy. Based on mission and goal, it could be different form one to another project such raising funding, co-creation, life improvement and others. Epi gives crowdsourcing platform example like crowdfunding (KickStarter,LendingClub), Open Innovation (LocalMotors), Social Productivity (Xprize, Open Garden) and Sharing Economy (Uber, Airbnb).
5P Crowd Economy
The 5 Pillars of Crowd Economy consist of people, purpose, participation, productivity and platform. Regarding implementation of 5P Crowd Economy Epi emphasizes some points to remind, below:
People.The start-up not only give their priority on platform first, but starting from people, what the start-up doing and goal, must answer people problem, human centric embedded to empowering people and help communities better live.
Purpose.In the long run to create meaningful experience, start-up must be face many valleys, not just expecting jumping on the peak of the mountain. I like Epi’s phrase “Fail & Fast”, don’t go first or only ready for success, shoot the failures, fast learn from that. He give an example when starting internet service, starting to maintain with reasonable target user (not expect huge number first), learn from that and gradually increasing target. It doesn’t just go directly to reach high traffic to impress the angle investor but missed the fundamental thing.
Participation.Beside supporting to get funding through the project, the crowd participation emphasizes on co-creation and shared value during the process and product value.
Productivity.The productivity along this process must be deliver better, faster, cheaper and more efficient process. And those outcomes fully supported especially in this digital world.
Platform.As mentioned before not just relying only platform in the first beginning. The platform itself will elaborate with the others as medium to interact and drive the results. Technolgy fully supporting the platform starting from mobile network, mobile application, big data, cloud computing, real-time processing, internet of things and many more.
Epi defines crowd economy from those five pillars as a dynamic ecosystem of productive people who participate through a platform with a purpose to achieve mutually beneficial goals.
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Success Story: Rocki
One crowdfunding platform, Kickstater enable the start-up create the market before even launching. To know how it works, refer to crowdsourcing and crowdfunding success story: Rocki which I collected from some sources and got from Dennis itself. Nick NM Yap and Dennis List (the Rocki founder) started Rocki in conceptual of Project RHM (Revolutionize Home Music) in February 2013. As Dennis told during his interview with, they focus on develop music and technology especially audio streaming instead of video streaming that was the others focus on at that time. Started in crowdsourcing approach, mustered people with extensive experience in media streaming hardware and software in project team, doing co-creation and developing ROCKI plug-in would enable all speaker to have Wifi audio streaming feature.
Rocki’s proof of concept video during the kickstarter campaign.
Rocki is one good example of running a successful kickstarter campaign got initial target $50K in first day (November 25th 2013) and raising over $220K in 20 days campaign (December 20th 2013). Dennis also share during that campaign, everything has to do with crowdsourcing such using social media, press coverage to reach people (supplier, potential buyer) to involve in and also well prepare for next step including production phase and shipping. Even after getting funding their initial target on 1st day, Dennis tell me, as soon as possible they reserved production line. Beside got more than initial target, they successfully managed product shipping on time within 3 months of the kickstarter funding and also keep participating crowdsourcing global event. They keep raising the bar through innovation.
Rocki’s product teaser on Youtube during the kickstarter campaign.
If you see the remark on that video teaser during their kickstarter campaign above, you will notice the crowdsource supported the video production. The video itself fundamental necessity to successfully pitch a crowdfunding project. The good one KickStarter provides how to create product video teaser complete with studio that will facilitate the crowd.
KickStarter’s video making guidance & studio facilities.
At the end of the session Dennis who also secured $1 M funding for another project (Omate Smartwatch) gives closing statement, reminding start-up not just focus on the funding part of crowdfunding, but need to build the crowd because no one can do all that on their own. So … CROWD it!
*imagre credit: taken while session been held
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
Is 2015 the Year of Content Marketing in Indonesia? This question refer to the Content Marketing existence along the past years and now this year 2015, that used also as the topic discussion of the Jakarta Content Marketing meetup session this month. Content Marketing in several years growing tremendous approach and its contribution too (Content Marketing Innitiative for Online Shop, Indonesia market 2013). Does Content Marketing still reliable to cope the challenge in 2015? Let’s take a look the discussion through this compilation article below.
Content Marketing-Native Ad
Content Marketing itself means about to drive action as Patrick Searle (cofounder GetCRAFT) point out in early session. It’s about owning paradigm, investing on it and get the returns. The Native Ad also the hot issue to be addressed in term of its contribution to get read rate times and ROI target, comparing with digital marketing main stream like display ads has been decreased significantly. Native Ad plays promising role to give the good impact to its stakeholder and give adaptive approach and more friendly user experience (UX) to consumer, compare to not quite good experieces/pro-contra last year related with intrusive ad that pop-up without giving option to consumer get rid from bothering their user experiences and raised dispute among digital publisher.
Brand professional Jasmina Dewi Nashya (E-Commerce Marketing Head at MAP) added that content marketing should has brand perspective adjusted to brand and company strategy and also has relevance with target viewer desire and in line with what consumer care about. From brand people (client) perspective, she added it’s paramount to keep the brand presence in every Consumer Decision Journey (CDJ), that also must be applied on content marketing approach.
Sponsored Content and its position from publisher point of view.
The terminology of content marketing spreads from one industry to another industry. Publisher like online newspaper use Sponsored Content to refer it. Beside the news as their commodity, empowering content article that get sponsor called Sponsored Content. David Alexander ( Business Development at Kompas) from his point of view as publisher professional classify Sponsored Content as intersection area of Venn Diagram between Content Marketing and Native Ad. Sponsored Content applied by different approach, it could be beyond branding (not spoken about brand) but their initiative campaign, for example BP within move the next mile campaign. Or also something that provoking interest of subject, that giving awareness, guidance to empowering for example cashless society (sponsored by one larger bank).
Those approaches aren’t hard selling focus content but still attached with sponsored brand/company logo. Also important for Sponsored Content stakeholder to keep content transparency and relevance (avoid pretending) so make no room consumer getting trap on the content that consumer really doesn’t want to, eventually could ruin their credibility and business.
Content Marketing, hard selling and measurement.
In line with hard selling content, some important lesson-learned shared by Jasmina that too many focus hard selling approach on content gave bad impact from consumer. So need to create content that can steal consumer heart which with minimum hard selling content.
On the other hand, from top management point of view that sometime push a lot hard selling approach because every program should giving the return with common indicator such as number of conversions and revenue. It’s quite complicated and also challenging to set up good content marketing that attract consumer’s attention but less hard selling. According to her best practice, by using KPI as currency to convince top management to go through that approach. The KPI might covers unique visitors from where they access (geography), comply the trend (mobile readership trend) and engagement measurement (bounce rate/time spent, page view and sentiment & social engagement). KPI itself not be separated from measurement, Daniel Van Leeuwen (Research & Development Advisor at XM Gravity) also emphasized measuring activity as part of the main triangle to support implementation of content marketing. It’ s such cycle starting from Learning, Building and Measuring phase. Measurement also part of three main factor related with Content Marketing as Haswar Hafid (Client Partner at Facebook) mentioned beside medium and format.
Content Marketing Strategy.
Content marketing strategy should be user centric, Daniel explained that content format should be as interface between business goal and user goal/needs. Based his digital agency background, he gives example how NetFlix using the data to determine next program to offer. Another example of user centric case when Mortal Combat Director Kevin Tancharoen making a initial pitch film. Kevin put the Mortal Combat thriller online and got much good responses from consumer. Then led him to develop the feature film version and got distribution supporting from Warner Bros.
According to the inspiring story above, Daniel also broke down and emphasized some phases that could be the secret sauce of that success story, the phase starts from do pilot, validation, build/refine and expand.
From branding (client) perspective, the brand need fully support from the content to be part of conversation among consumer, and Jasmine added on other side the content stakeholder need to think the impact also beforehand.
Banner Blindness Fact and Ux matter.
Daniel also mentioned banner blindness and some facts related such low click through rate (CTR) that show less number who clicked the banner. Still related to Banner Blindness in US, Matthew Green (UX Consultant) highlighted from User Experience (UX) design perspective, with case the lack of Ux design such the editorial box looks like banner that consumer think it as banner that keep it quite far from the CTR target. To many and messy banner layout also cause banner blindness, consumer feels dizzy to go to the content he/she want. UX with good lay-out that ergonomic and provide good/easy navigation to follow is the paramount. Mattew also added in specific that important to keep in mind such visual consistency with design of the page, readable text, simple imagery, be relevant and engagement.
Is 2015 the Year of Content Marketing in Indonesia?
Sunil Kumar (Digital Director at Starcom) talking from Media Agency perspective, shared key takeways from 2014 that something called Native Ads get spoken and 2015 will be the year of Native Ads that continually need another year to market and mature. LTE launching make possibility the content marketing booming in term of media format and capacity (size) applied successfully at consumer mobile/gadget platform.
Jasmina pretty optimistic that content marketing well growing in 2015 also underlined video marketing is the next hot babe and whole strategy approach (online and offline) integrated to omni channel as one strategy she would apply.
Haswar also believed 2015 is a content marketing year. Since media crossover in the term of time spent started from radio era, tv, digital and now mobile era. Mobile is the most personal and engaging medium ever. Mobile at scale and content marketing get more room for expansion and customization. He resumed it in one brief sentence “Marry the right format with the right device.”
So back to important question. Is 2015 the Year of Content Marketing in Indonesia? Some might say yes and believe it! Some might wait and see. Some say depending on you, content marketing stakeholder include consumer.
*This article is compilation of panelist thought and audience discussion at Jakarta Content Marketing Meetup January 14th 2015 hosted by GetCRAFT (link). In this article JM Zacharias just took a role as ‘kitchen helper’ who just arranged ‘dish’ served on plate 🙂
*imagre credit: taken while discussion been held
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
Happy New Year again !! Yeah … in 2015. It’s annually celebration through many common ways: sending and receiving greeting card, text message,exchange gifts, visiting colleague/beloved family and others activities [new year eve in hotel,townhall, TV program, traveling, and anything else]. In all those activities, we set the resolution, send best wishes to beloved family and friends for properous life in upcoming year.
You and me might be already listed some wishes & resolution and for sure always hope the upcoming year should be much better. One thing came up in my mind, do we apply the proven successful indicator that manages how the process on track or need to do pivoting before getting the resolution completed. Otherwise those resolutions at the end will be acted as “empty promising resolution ” … words without meaning.
I list that concern with big question mark. The resolution should be adjusted into action plan. The question is how measure the process. It helps us to know exactly how close the progress, outcome to the resolution. Whether need some pivoting or not before the end of 2015.
Once put resolution into action plan, the step needs to be taken such requirement mapping, resource management, schedulling, progress tracking and etc. In implementation of the planning, sometimes doesn’t goes as planned and on the other hand new momentum raise up that need the room of flexibility to do pivoting. And also breaking down into small target per milestone (time frame) and parameters that consist of under control and out control variable(third party involvement for cooperation) could help much to ease the implementation of action plan in order to meet the resolution goal. At the end those parameters would help and guide in process, measurement and evaluation of the resolution completion. Also target per milestone help to manage the effort more reasonable to achieve resolution goal and evaluated at the end of 20015.
Sounds quite complicated. Believe me it works, but need strong willpower, consistency and preseverance. Try it step by step eventhough small step and target per milestone gradually but sure. It will pay off.
Let’s start this year with such breakthrough way & very challenging things to achieve. Cause we live to have purpose that valued life by moving forward, growing up,accomplish challenge of the resolution successfully and SMART-ly [Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound].
What do you think?
About the author: JM Zacharias (@jmzacharias) currently works as a business strategist, professional career in the fields of product, sales and marketing more than a decade. His professional career experience in various industries including retail, consumer electronics, information and telecommunications technology both Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B). Having diverse experience in national, multinational companies, and startup; in the areas of technology, marketing and sales management, cross-culture climate among nations in his career portfolio in the Asia Pacific region and Southeast Asia helped him enrich and widen preperspective to continue to learn and share. Communicating ideas and business strategy are some of his activities beside writing article,delivering training and consultancy activities. Detailed information can be viewed on JMZacharias.Com Business Strategy & Technology You can also contact him through this link
I recieved small card of four main values on my first day working at Nokia couple years ago. One of those values that I’m strongly believe [until now] that always be applied anywhere, anytime and with anyone. It’s respect . It’s not so strange heard about it but will be mean a lot if it can be implemented correctly.
Before talking so far, I attached the meaning of respect from Oxford Dictionary define respect: ” respect: ~ (for sb/sth) polite behaviour towards or care for sb/sth that you think is important.”It’s quite cover about respect. I just wanna add another side of it, not only with treat politely but correctly also and refer to above definition (from Oxford Dictionary) the entity of doing respect is somebody or something as :
–somebody to somebody relationship (i.e : between people, people and his/her God)
–somebody to something relationship (ie: people with system/environtment).
Sometimes, for the last entity (somebody to something) in particular almost without enough concern. First case, if somebody doesn’t feel brave to break traffic regulation due to any traffic police around him, that means respect as somebody to somebody entity ( in this case: he and traffic police). Second case, if there is no traffic police around him and he still don’t have willingness to break the traffic regulation, means he already give respect as somebody to something (in this case: he and system/traffic regulation). It applied on daily business, organization for instance respect employee to company culture (somebody to something) in daily working.
Respect should be natural (not artificial). Of course people should be treat one another with respect no reserve!. But sometimes some people treat respect based on their own particular interest. Don’t treat respect as comodity! If it happened, the respect can’t be implemented balance in proper proportion.
Respect will be empowered and growing together with wisdom as a part of our mature life. The wisdom will help to treat respect correctly in right time and right place. I learned how to treat respect and wisdom in any difference of opinion from my high school colleagues couple years ago. They (Nugoroho and Setiawan) have sharp different point a view in every scout movement race meeting. Always there are no meeting points between them due to they represent of two organisation that always be rival one another. What I learned from them, they kept maintain their personal relationship with respect eventhough they always opposited each other when they represented their organisation in any forums.
Based on the lesson learned above, whatever you do respect comes first.
“Respect the respect value by doing respect correctly and be humble!”
If you have any relevant things to share, I’m looking forward to your thought.
* This article republished from my previous blog with some adjustment.
Image: the billboard around transit area Changi airport
Tentang Penulis : JM Zacharias ( @jmzacharias ) saat ini berprofesi sebagai business strategist, berkarir profesional dalam bidang produk, sales dan marketing lebih dari satu dekade. Pengalaman karir profesionalannya di berbagai industri meliputi retail, consumer electronic, teknnologi informasi dan telekomunikasi baik Business to Customer (B2C) maupun Business to Business (B2B). Dengan beragam pengalaman di perusahaan multinasional, nasional serta startup pada bidang teknologi, sales marketing dan manajemen serta iklim kerja lintas budaya antar bangsa dalam portofolio karirnya di kawasan Asia Pasifik dan Asia Tenggara turut memperkaya wawasan dan melebarkan preperspektif untuk terus belajar dan berbagi. Mengkomunikasikan ide dan strategi bisnis dilakukannya dalam bentuk artikel, pelatihan dan kegiatan konsultasi. Informasi detail dapat di lihat pada JMZacharias.Com Strategi Bisnis & Teknologi . Anda dapat mengubungi melalui tautan kami.